Friday, 22 February 2013

Singing Stompa..... By Serena Ryder!

These are all of the junior classes singing Stompa! We really sang that song with talent!

By Millie :D


  1. I really enjoy singing that song great choice!!!

  2. I really enjoyed that song as well and I hope for more great songs

  3. I realy like the beat to this song but I wonder what the message is.

  4. The pictures won't show up.

  5. This song was a great choice for us! I love the beat and the message!

  6. Befor I sang this song with the lirycs I though it soundid like a james bond song but now that i know the storie of the song it sounds the same but i have a differnt feal for it!


  7. Hey Austin it sounded like James Bond because Sarena Ryder sounds like Adele wich made her popular and Adele sang Skyfall.


    1. Ahh thanks Gus! :()


  8. I like when we sing
    People, working every night and day
    Never give yourself no time
    Got too many bills to pay
    I think it means everyone around you is always working and you can have some rest in peace. You your self never give your self any time to rest and spend all day just sitting around taking care of your family. You are also paying bills and working very late at night. At the begining you take time to think why did she write this in her song. It is true that your parents are always working and do not get time to rest.

  9. Thay do for me.
    Try reloding the page next time it happens.

    ~ Austin

  10. Stompa your feet clapa your hands was so great it was vary moving.


  11. I find the song is very fun and jumpy and I realy enjoy singing it!!!The video is realy cool with the bow and arrows.
    Kyra :)

  12. I really like when we sang stompa your feet. I think that Stompa your feet was a good song and dosn't Churchill Alternative School like to groove and dance and sing. I really think thats the song for us! [ thats just me any way]

